This post is a short one which looks at some of the benefits of hiking. Hiking is such a great activity to get involved in if you are new to it. There are many, many reasons to get started with hiking and below I touch on just some of them.
Photo Credit: Tax Credits
High on the list has to be all the health benefits that come from hiking. It isn’t rocket science to understand that hiking, walking across terrain in fresh outdoor air, has to be good for you. However, just to confirm, it is a scientifically proven fact that hiking has many health benefits. Some of the main ones are:
- Weight loss
- Decreasing hypertension
- Improved mental and emotional health
There are various studies to support the health benefits of hiking. As the old saying goes, your health is your wealth!
One of the reasons hiking is such a wonderful activity and is popular with so many is that it is relatively accessible to most and anyone can take part in it. It is also great that there are no pre-requisites to get started with hiking except for a fresh pair of legs and a reasonable level of fitness i.e. anyone can do it and enjoy it from day one!
It is also an activity that can be done on a best suited basis, that is, it is very easy for each individual to gauge what their current capabilities are and plan a suitable hike accordingly and therefore only take on what they feel comfortable with.
Hiking is a great way to meet new people. You can simply Google online and you will most likely find all sorts of hiking clubs, associations, etc. to join in your local area. There are many different types of clubs and some of these will specialize in a certain branch of hiking e.g. Nordic Walking, so you should be able to find something that suits you.
Simply find one that you like the look of that suits your needs and get in touch. Many of these hiking groups, clubs and associations are set up to welcome newbies into the fold. The added benefit from expanding your social circle with people who share a similar passion to you is that, as with joining any club, you can get a wealth of experience to reference. This is very useful to have when you are new to hiking, whether you have questions on gear and equipment or what kind of hiking goals you should set for yourself, there will be someone on hand to give you great guidance on the next best steps forward.
I wasn’t sure if I should put this one in here and I can just see some folks frowning as they see hiking and ‘spiritual’ being referenced together! What can I say, I can only go on my own experience and my observations of many others I have hiked with.
Photo Credit: thohal85
At times there is something quite magical and mystical about some of the vista’s one is presented with while out hiking and it can quite literally leave you speechless. That silent moment when you are momentarily encapsulated by the sheer beauty, magnitude and majesty of nature in the wilderness. I can only describe that experience as spiritual on some level. It can be awe inspiring and that alone, while not my primary reason for hiking, is a definite benefit available to all.
So in conclusion, what are you waiting for! If you’re new to hiking get onto Google to see what local clubs and assocaitions you can find or see if there is a safe and easy trail near you to get you and your friends started!
P.S. Out of curiosity, I looked up the definition of Hiking in the Oxford English Dictionary:
‘Walk for a long distance, especially across country’
Not exactly a thrilling description lol 🙂
Until the next time!
Didem and I really got into hiking as a low impact form of fitness. As we got physically stronger we also realised that we had more clarity of mind. We have since turned this passion into a blogging activity and have since met so many others enjoying the amazing benefits of hiking. Forget the gym and their expensive memberships. Instead, get yourself some hiking boots and get out there and enjoy nature!
Hey Gavin, I couldn’t agree more. There are multiple upsides to getting out into the hills, with physical fitness being just one of them. I also find that getting out into the mountains is really great for a clear mind, as you say. It provides so many reasons and opportunities to travel to hike in beautiful and amazing places too. All the best with the blog!